Mechanical lithotripsy for large CBD stone

We often see stones in the common bile duct in our routine day-to-day practice. Usually, stones less than 15 millimeters are easy to remove from the common bile duct by ERCP. However, stones more than 15 millimeters are difficult to remove without breaking them into pieces. Hence a special equipment design to break the stones into multiple small fragments is known as a mechanical lithotripter. Dr. Vatsal Mehta the best doctor for ERCP in Ahmedabad is an expert in removing CBD stones and expert in performing mechanical lithotripsy. A specially designed trapezoid basket is used to catch the stone under fluoroscopy and endoscopic guidance. Once the stone is broken by using a trapezoid basket and lithotripsy gun the broken pieces removed from the common bile duct easily.
At ALFA GASTRO AND LIVER CARE BEST ENDOSCOPIC DOCTOR Dr. VATSAL MEHTA AND Dr. SHACHISH DOCTOR, the team of experienced and well-trained technicians, availability of world-class endoscopy equipment’s and coordination of the whole team makes this task possible very smoothly and efficiently.
Book your appointment with Dr. Vatsal Mehta the best doctor for ERCP in Ahmedabad is an expert in removing CBD stones and an expert in performing mechanical lithotripsy.