6 Best Things You Can Do to Regulate Your Digestion

Digestion is a process that converts the material from food into a form that allows absorption and metabolism of nutrients of the food. On average Humans eat 1 to 2.7 kg of food every day. That is about 28,800 kg of food over a lifetime and every bite of your food makes its way through your digestive system. This is one of the most diverse and complicated systems in the human body. The components of the digestive system work in coordination to fulfill only one task, transforming the raw materials of your food into a nutrient that keeps you alive. This task is known as digestion. Any kind of constriction in the process of digestion causes several symptoms such as:
- Bloating
- Constipation
- Stomachache
- Diarrhea
- Irritable bowels
- Inflammatory bowels
- Heart-burns
Here are some easy ways to improve your digestion effectively
Mindful Eating Habits:
Mindful eating habit is a concept which allows you to have food that remains in complete harmony with your digestive tract and mind. This includes a few changes in lifestyle.
- Eat slowly: having food slowly, chewing for a prolonged period of time helps to have early satiety and it also prevents food-related symptoms like bloating reflux and heartburn
- Have food with family: having all family members together at the dining table helps to reduce stress, improves the palatability of food. This helps to have better GI health and prevent weight gain as well.
- Take a small portion of food: keeping a small quantity of food portion induces early satiety, food gets proper timing for digestion and food-related symptoms are reduced.
- Avoid distractions while having food like watching TV, talking on the phone, or thinking of something stressful like business or social relations helps to have a better acceptance of food by the GI tract.
- Having whole grains more in food, avoiding synthetic sugars, cutting down on spices, and avoiding aerated drinks are helpful
Chew Your Food Properly
When the digestive system finds your food not chewed properly, it can’t produce enough enzymes to digest the food. To help your body in the process of assimilation, you must chew your food to let the intestines absorb the vitamins effectively.
Avoid Chilled Water
The reason for avoiding chilled water is that because of chilled water, your blood vessels contract. This contraction leads to improper blood flow. As already said proper blood flow is the fuel of digestion. Therefore, you should avoid the habit of drinking extremely cold water.
To boost your digestion even more you should drink 3-4 glasses of warm water every day.
Fix Your Meal Time
A busy schedule is a petty excuse for having an irregular meal time, given that the price you okay for doing this is far more adverse than disturbing your schedule. Irregular meal timing directly affects your cellular and substrate-level metabolism. Skipping a meal increases your body’s cortisol levels leading you to be stressed out. This type of stress if not regulated can cause several diseases such as stomach ulcers.
Switch to Healthy Food
This tip is a no-brainer to improve your digestion, but its importance makes it obligatory to be included in these tips. To simplify, you should avoid spicy, junk, oily, and store-bought food. Fermented foods and rich fiber foods are the key elements of healthy food. Moreover, you should also have your food incorrect combination.
Exercise boosts your digestive system by providing a never-ending fuel to it. By exercising you increase the blood circulation in the digestive system. Exercise also helps the food travel faster through your digestive system. By exercising for at least 15 min a day, you can say goodbye to constipation as it helps in better contractions in intestinal muscles.
Increased water intake:
Increase water intake to 2.5 to 3.5 liters per day, which keeps you hydrated. Your metabolism remains accurate, and you don’t develop problems like constipation, incomplete evacuation, and irritable bowel.
Taking dinner early:
Shifting the dinner time early to 7 pm helps to reduce night time reflux and heart burn. After that, if you feel hungry you can always have liquids to satisfy your hunger.
Adding fiber to diet:
Total dietary fiber intake should be 25 to 30 grams a day from food, not supplements. Increasing green and leafy vegetables, fruits help to improve fiber intake and prevents constipation.
Some of the ways to get instant relief from digestive problems are
- Cumin water: This increases the release of bile juice, thus helping indigestion
- Asafetida water: This helps you get rid of gas problems, therefore reducing indigestion symptoms
- Carrom and fennel seeds drink: Making this drink as your bedtime drink helps you to regulate your bowel movements.
- Chia seeds
You can have the cleanest and best diet in the world but if you can’t digest it, it’s all for not. Therefore, it is not what we eat but what we digest that matters for us to live a healthy life. Major population in the world is suffering from indigestion. If you are one of those people, let us make you know that your solution for this problem is practically in your hands. By following the above-mentioned ways by improving your lifestyle to improve your digestion, you can clearly feel the impact in few days. We at Alfa Gastro and Liver Care intend to help you deal with digestive diseases and liver problems along with all their complications.
Best Gastroenterologists in Ahmedabad
If you’re concerned with your digestive health, it’s best to speak with a gastroenterologist. One of our physicians Dr. Vatsal Mehta at Alfa Gastro and Liver Care can help get you on the right track to a healthier lifestyle! For more information about our expert doctors or our Ahmedabad location, please contact us today.