How to deal with Gas Problem

The presence of gas in your stomach is not an abnormal phenomenon. It is one of the direct outcomes of normal digestion. Our body is sophisticated enough to release the excess gas in the form of a burp or flatus. There is no need to get embarrassed about these normal reactions of the body to the excess gas formation. The problem with gas arises when it is accumulated in your digestive tract in a way that is not able to regulate throughout your digestive tract. This problem can cause several symptoms which categorize in the condition of gas problem.
Etiology: what causes a gas problem
The partially digested food is passed to the large intestine by the small intestine. This undigested food mainly contains carbohydrates. The bacterial activity on this food forms gas as a product of its fermentation. The excess gas in the colon is released through the anus. Apart from this, your burp gas is formed due to the intake of air during eating.
The problem due to gas arises when there are some additional digestive issues that lead to the accumulation of gas. Some of these issues of digestion are as follows:
- Inflammation in the digestive tract
- Colitis ulcerosa
- Ileitis
- Intolerance to certain foods
- Irregular bowel system
- Chronic constipation
Symptoms of gas problem
The gas-related issues can have mild to severe symptoms depending upon the type of digestive issue causing the gas problem.
Some mild symptoms of gas problems
- Abdomen pain
- Unusual cramps in abdomen
- Swollen abdomen
- Increase in the belly area
The reason for these symptoms being in the category of mild symptoms is that you don’t need to be alarmed. As these symptoms are usual results of overeating or indigestion, you just need to follow a healthy dietary routine to get rid of them
Some severe symptoms of gas problems
- Chronic constipation
- Chronic diarrhea
- Irregular bowel movements
- Persistent abdominal pain
- Pain in chest
- Blood in stools
The reason for these symptoms being in the category of severe symptoms is that immediate medical care is needed to treat these gas-related problems. The best way to know if you need the help of a doctor is to see if your symptoms are not letting you continue with your daily routine easily.
Prevention of gas problems
The best way to avoid your gas become a problem for you is to regulate your diet. Some things to avoid in your dietary habits are as follows:
- Not chewing your food
- Carbonated drinks
- Gum
- Junk food
- Artificially sweetened food
Apart from dietary habits, you should maintain your sleep-wake cycle. This leads to the regulation of your bowel movements and therefore helps you to get rid of excess gas.
Treatment of gas related problems
Your doctor will provide you the treatment depending upon the severity of your condition. The most common type of treatment for this condition is medicines. Some of the medicines to treat gas problems are:
- Pepto-Bismol
- Simethicone
- Lactase
- Gas-X
- Phazyme
- Mylanta Gas
These medications are usually considered as OTC medications, but the effects of these medications can be many such as:
- Carbohydrate breakdown
- Movement of gas through the digestive tract
- Relief in bloating
- Dairy product sugar digestion
Some advice from the doctors to release excess gas
- Drink ginger/ peppermint tea in the evening
- Drink water with chia and fennel seeds before going to sleep
- Drink extract of clove after meals
- Exercise regularly mainly to target the abdomen
It is important for everyone to be open to discussions on gas-related issues in your stomach. Your gut is the origin of your health because nutrients start to disperse from this region of your body. The gas problem in your body is actually in itself a symptom of some issue in your gut. No doubt gas formation is a very natural process in the body, but when the symptoms of problems due to gas arise it can no longer be called a natural activity. Avoiding it could mean several unwanted things such as partial nutrients absorption, narrowed digestive tract, exaggerated acid activity in your stomach, undiagnosed intolerance to a food product, etc. From this blog, you might be able to differentiate the presence of gas normally in your body from when it becomes a concern
Therefore, it is of great importance that you always consult a gastroenterologist if you feel your symptoms of gas problems are getting on the severe side.
At Alpha Gastro and Liver Care, we make sure that your gut always has a healthy feeling of being in the hands of professionals.
For appointment /more information on the subject,
Contact: Dr. Vatsal Mehta